Undoubtedly, one of the main causes of the high attendance of people in sports training centers or weight rooms / gyms is weight loss and/or reduction of the percentage of body fat, either for aesthetic purposes, to be ready to a competition or follow medical recommendations.

Currently, worldwide obesity records do not stop increasing, as several reports have shown for some years ago, highlighting alarming increases of 0.4 kg / m 2 of BMI per decade since 1980 (FESNAD-SEEDO Consensus, 2011). . It should be noted that a sedentary lifestyle, the incorrect distribution of macronutrients, the excessive consumption of foods high in refined sugars and saturated fats are the main causes of this situation.
However, overweight and obesity pose a risk of chronic degenerative diseases and rank fifth as a factor in mortality. Although, as we have already highlighted, obesity as a disease has a multifactorial etiology, it is associated with high levels of cellular oxidative damage, due to alterations in the mitochondria (Cascales M & Doadrio L 2014).

Thus, at a physiological level we find hypertrophy (growth) and hyperplasia (division) of fat-containing cells (adipocytes) in white adipose tissue, a tissue specialized in fat storage; mainly due to a surplus in the calorie intake in the diet, the increase in the synthesis of fatty acids and triacylglycerols (lipogenesis) and a reduction in the degradation / catabolism of triacylglycerols and fatty acids, which also involves alterations in the tissue brown adipose (tissue specialized in energy consumption).
The correct diet, taking into account the principle of individualization and physical objectives, is an important factor for improving health and therefore for maintaining a correct weight. Nutritional recommendations are increasingly known to be able to enjoy a stable weight, so as to prevent the onset of diseases and even aging.

At present, there is no doubt about the application of the laws of thermodynamics to human physiology, with respect to the fact that an excess of energy ingested or not used is stored in the form of fat.
However, there are individual variants that must also be taken into account for the correct construction of the nutritional plan, such as; resistance to leptin (known as the satiety hormone), mutations in genes related to mitochondrial energy homeostasis, insulin resistance, etc.
In addition, often nutritional insufficiency, due to unhealthy lifestyle habits, also negatively affects the physical strength and cognitive ability of adults. For this reason, to maintain a healthy weight it is necessary to control energy density, meals away from home, the size of the portions, the frequency of meals, the appetizers or snacks consumed, etc.
Unfortunately, there are many substances without a scientific basis that are offered on the market or in the dietary supplement industry with the intention of promoting weight loss, without taking into account certain training programs that also lack evidence as energy enhancers. body fat reduction.
Therefore, it is essential to trust those products that are based on proven scientific foundations and respect your health.
At MTX NUTRITION we have thought about your goals to control the percentage of body fat and achieve a healthy weight. For this and to multiply your results we choose the basic active substances, we optimize them with those that contribute or increase their activity, those that improve their absorption and we even add their metabolic precursors.
This careful selection, exclusive combination and optimization makes our products take an active part in:
- The correct metabolism of carbohydrates/carbohydrates.
- Regulation of body temperature (thermogenesis).
- The use of stored fat as fuel during exercise.
- Promote the processes of gaining muscle mass to combat overweight.