Omega 3 fatty acids have gained great importance in our health care. Taking Omega 3 is not only recommended for athletes, but for anyone who wants to maintain a good state of health and a healthy lifestyle.
Health and Omega 3: BENEFITS

#1. They maintain LDL (commonly called bad cholesterol) levels and slightly raise HDL (good cholesterol).
#two. They significantly reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood, which increase cardiovascular risk, possibility of diabetes, etc. That is why the best-known effect derived from the consumption of ω3 fatty acids is lipid-lowering, that is, it reduces plasma triglycerides. After eating a high-fat meal, there is a characteristic increase in blood triglycerides known as postprandial hyperlipidemia or postprandial response. The intensity of this response is also considered a CVD risk factor and is related to the type of fat eaten. Some studies indicate that the intake of DHA and EPA reduces the postprandial increase in triglycerides and, therefore, produces a beneficial effect. Other studies have also shown that the consumption of considerable amounts of fish or fish oils as such, or administered in capsules, can lower triglyceride levels in healthy and hyperlipemic subjects.
#3. The ω3 reduce the process of platelet aggregation, which is the process in which platelets, a part of the blood, clump together and cause blood coagulation. This process is triggered when the vascular cells suffer some type of damage.

#4. An imbalanced ratio of ω3/ ω6 fatty acids in heart muscle seems to be related to the risk of sudden cardiac death. Recommendations place this ratio at 1/5 or less. It has been suggested that moderate intake of ω3 PUFA may reduce the risk of acute myocardial infarction, thanks to the regulating effect that these fatty acids exert on the electrical properties of cardiac muscle, thus decreasing susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias and, consequently, , the risk of sudden death.
#5. They dilate blood vessels, beneficial for hypertension. There is scientific evidence that ω3 fatty acids can stimulate endothelial production of nitric oxide. This molecule causes the relaxation of smooth muscle cells allowing the dilation of blood vessels, which in turn reduces blood pressure and endothelial activation. Large amounts of fish oils (about 3 g/day) have been shown to produce a significant drop in blood pressure. An Omega 3 supplement must have a good EPA/DHA ratio (35%/25%) in addition to containing a good container with good protection against UV light damage, conditions that are not met by all supplements on the market.
#6. Epidemiological studies of dietary intervention in humans and experimental studies in cell cultures attribute anticancer properties to fish oil. Those with cancer, after chemotherapy, have abnormally low concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids in both plasma phospholipids and leukocyte membranes. Other beneficial aspects of omega-3 fatty acids are their ability to reduce the cytotoxicity of drugs commonly used in the treatment of chemotherapy and the reversal of symptoms associated with anorexia-cachexia syndrome. In short, through nutritional support based on a greater intake of omega-3 fatty acids, the quality of life of cancer patients can be significantly improved.

#7. They reduce cellular inflammation, which is the imperceptible inflammation of an organ or tissue due to a constant imbalance and is present in the development of a large number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cardiovascular problems and certain cancers such as breast cancer. colon, chest or throat. We also find inflammation behind cases of obesity and metabolic syndrome, which can lead to pathologies such as Type 2 Diabetes.

Regarding the nutritional recommendations for the intake of ω3 fatty acids, the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) suggests the amount of 0.65 g/day of DHA plus 1 g/day of α-linolenic acid. On the other hand, the new recommendations of the American Heart Society (AHA) are: 1) for patients with coronary disease , consume 1 gram of EPA+DHA daily from fish oils or supplements, and 2) for patients with hypertriglyceridemia , the supplement of 2 to 4 grams daily of EPA + DHA is recommended in order to reduce plasma triglyceride levels by 20-40%.

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